The Faculty of Arts at the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University " (Minin University)is proud to introduce “MininsSommerschule - 2015" Summer School for students from Germany, who wish to study the Russian language, culture, philosophy and the Russian Literature. The Summer School 2015 will be held under the motto "BE OPEN FOR UPDATES" Minin University applied with its Summer School-2015 project as a participant of DAAD Competition within the framework of “GoEast” program. Check up DAAD-website for the announcement of the competition and detailed information.
The Summer School is to take place from 03.08. 2015 to 16. 08. 2015
German students can apply for a grant under the program of the Summer School Go-East German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The scholarship covers travel expenses, living expenses and tuition costs.
Further information can be found at: (in German).
Dear Colleagues,

My name is Alexander Fedorov, I am the Rector at Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. In the Summer of 2014 our University, together with the DAAD, is planning to open a the Russian language and culture Summer School for students from Germany. The program includes scheduled classes in the Russian language and literature, cultural studies, especially on the Russian mentality, visits to Nizhny Novgorod’s museums and a sightseeing trip to the ancient cities of Nizhny Novgorod region - Gorodets and Semyonov.
I am glad to invite you to participate in our Summer School and looking forward to our meeting in one of the most beautiful cities of Russia - Nizhny Novgorod!
Nizhny Novgorod - a favorable climate for partnerships in education and culture.
Nizhny Novgorod (founded in 1221) - the capital of Volga Federal District, a major industrial, commercial and cultural center of Russia. The city is located at the confluence of two great Russian rivers - the Oka and Volga.
Nizhny Novgorod - the city of science, aviation, shipbuilding and engineering. There is a car plant (GAZ), part of the holding "GAZ Group".
Nizhny Novgorod – a student city. There are 6 universities, 4 academies, a conservatory, theater and art schools.
A young person, open to new knowledge and contacts, visiting Nizhny Novgorod will be able to get acquainted with the depths of the history and culture of the past and the present.

Minin University - a classical education and bold innovations.
Students from Germany are to join a meeting with the Minin University rector A.A. Fyodorov - one of the leading specialists in the field of comparative study of German and Russian philosophy of the XVIII century on the national level.
Summer School 2015 is organized by the Faculty of Humanities at Minin University. The Faculty includes in its structure the department of the Russian language and literature, history, philosophy, foreign languages, foreign languages and pre-school education.
Classes at the Summer School will be held by professors of the Faculty, leaders of scientific schools and directions
We are confident that the meeting between German students and their Russian peers will be permanently kept their memory. Live chat will be a bridge for the development of future contacts and shall activate a dialogue between these two cultures.
A rich cultural program for those who love to discover new experiences and have a sensitive and sympathetic heart.
Within two weeks of the Summer School students will be acquainted with the history, culture and life of Nizhny Novgorod, visit museums, travel to the museum-estate of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin - Boldino, experience the Russian cuisine and hospitality.

Minin University Summer School will allow students from Germany:
- to acquire the necessary competence in the field of theoretical and practical development of the Russian language;
- to expand the notion of culture and social structure, traditions and way of life of a typical Russian city;
- to mainstream Russian-German cultural dialogue in the framework of cooperation of the young generation of our countries;
- to get filled with positive emotions.
Terms and Conditions of participation in the Summer School
- being a student at a University in Germany
- command of the Russian language: from A2 to B2
- having a specialty in the Russian Philology (the Russian language and literature, as well as the philosophy and culture of Russia) and Slavic studies
The working language of the Summer School - Russian
Minin University Summer School will be held in Russian. At a request of students theses of lectures can be translated into German. Guided tours in German may be included into the core schedule.
The cost of participation in the Summer School for one participant is 750 euros.
The cost includes: transfer from the airport/railway station to the hotel, hotel accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, a trip to the museum-estate of Alexander Pushkin, training at the Summer School.
At the end of the Summer School students will receive a certificate of participation/participant «Minin-Sommerschule - 2015" indicating the training modules and credits (ECTS-Punkten): 5 credits (3 credits - the first module; two credits - second module)
Living conditions
Within two weeks of training, all participants of the summer school live in a modern hotel "Academservice" (dormitory with rooms for two).
Subjects and directions studied at our Summer School
- Russian as a foreign language
- Russian as the language of intercultural communication
- Classical Russian literature of the XIX century
- Russian literature of the XX century and contemporary Russian literature
- Russian-German literary connections
- Russian philosophy in the context of European philosophical thought
- Russian-German cultural ties: the phenomenon of Russian Freemasonry XVIII century (ideas, activities, personnel)
- Famous Russian philosophers of Nizhny Novgorod (V.V. Rozanov, S. Frank)
- Russian culture as the language of interethnic communication
- Germans and German culture in Nizhny Novgorod and the region
- Nizhny Novgorod - the cultural capital of Volga region
The program of the Summer School 2015 consists of two modules: the first compulsory (M1) and the second (M2)- optional, which may be chosen in accordance with the professional interests of the student. Weekly classroom load is 25 hours.
Documents required for participation in the Summer School:
- Summary in Russian with a confirmation the Russian language (certificates, academic certificate indicating the number of hours). Please attach a scanned copy of the document
- Proof of proficiency in the Russian language (if there is, attach a scanned copy of the document: certificate, academic transcript indicating the number of hours).
- A filled application (download application)
- Copy of passport (for invitation).
Discover the new, make your choice in favor of Nizhny Novgorod, " Minin University Summer School 2015"!
Summer School supervision:
- Ms. Professor Natalia Ilchenko, Head of the Department of classical and modern literature, a member of the Russian Union of German studies;
- Ms. Galina Samoilova, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities;
- Ms. Professor Elena Dziuba, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, the head of master's training program "Teaching Russian as a foreign language";
- Ms. Olga Orlova, head of the sub-faculty “theory and practice of foreign languages and linguistics”.
Contact Information:
Dr. Olga Orlova
Ulyanov Str. 1, Room 405, 603950 Nizhny Novgorod
Тel. 007 (831) 436-39-87