The European Scientific-Industrial Chamber has published the annual list of Top 100 Russian Universities (the Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard ARES-2015).

The following universities took the top spot in the ranking: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Saint Petersburg State University.

There are three Nizhny Novgorod State Universities in the ranking, including Minin University. With its pedagogical profile Minin University has a high position with only Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, Akmulla Bashkir State Pedagogical University and Tula State Pedagogical University ahead, while other universities, especially capital pedagogical universities stay behind.

The university ranking is aimed at evaluating the universities' performance in providing students with relevant knowledge, participating in research activities and graduating employability.

There are three grade categories in the ranking:

The "A" category (AAA, AA+, AА, А+, А) – high quality performance: a high level of teaching, research, and employers' demand for graduates.

The "B" category (BBB+, BBB, BB+, BB, B+, B) – good quality performance: a sufficient level of teaching, research, and employers' demand for graduates.

The "C" category (CCC+, CCC, CC+, CC, C+, C) – adequate quality performance: a satisfactory level of teaching, research, and employers' demand for graduates.

The ranking is processed automatically without human factor.

The ARES-2015 university ranking is compiled in line with the European standards which were agreed in 2015 between European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and European Quality Assurance Register and approved by European Community.

The key indicators included into the ranking are the research activity, international cooperation, graduate employability, advanced instructor training, instructor international recognition, membership in the European Academies of Sciences, awards awarded by the departments of the European Chamber of Commerce and the European Commission and the interaction with employers.

